The ‘Burial
Cave’ of Jesus
From: Franklin
ter Horst
( 9 march 2007)(up date: 9 september
During the last 2000 years the world has been able to read in God’s
infallible Word that Jesus died, rose from the dead and was taken up into
heaven. The women (Lk. 24:9) who opened the tomb two days after His burial were
upset at finding the grave empty. “And
it happened, as they were perplexed about this, that behold
two men stood by them in shining garments. Then, as they were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth,
they said to them: ‘Why do
you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen!’” (Luke 24:4-6)
The Bible contains four Gospels: those of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
These books tell of the life, the preaching, the death and the resurrection of
Jesus. Flavius Josephus, the Jewish historian who lived around the beginning of
our era, wrote: “About this time there lived a man, if indeed one
ought to call him a man. For he was one who wrought surprising feats and was a
teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews
and many of the Greeks. He was called the Messiah. When Pilate, upon
hearing him accused by men of the highest standing amongst us, had
condemned him to be crucified, those who had in the first place come to love
did not give up their
affection for him. On the third day he appeared to them restored to life.”
He rose right through the linen shrouds. Everything was lying there, unchanged,
in the form of His body (Jn. 20:7). But the resurrection of Jesus, as described
in these books, is nothing more than a fable if we are to believe 33rd-Degree
Freemason, triple Oscar winner and film-maker James Cameron (with the films Titanic
and The Terminator to his credit) and the originally Israeli but now
Canadian documentary-maker Simcha Jacobovici. Both these gentleman are sending
shockwaves around the world with the statement that there is “scientific
evidence” that they have located the grave of Jesus of Nazareth. In a
90-minute documentary entitled “The Burial Cave of Jesus” they proclaim that
Jesus did not rise from the dead
but was buried in a cave in Talpiot in
It is alleged to be about a 2000-year-old grave discovered as long ago
as 1980. The gentlemen in question base their findings on years of
investigations by archaeologists, historians, writing experts and DNA
specialists. In the small cave experts found ten remains of caskets with –
among others – the following names engraved upon them: Jesus, son of
Meanwhile the claim made by these two men has been the subject of
serious criticism, and not just from Christians and Muslims but is also
rejected by a growing band of unprejudiced scientists.The prominent Israeli
archaeologist Amos Kloner, who was responsible in 1980 for the excavations in
and around the tomb, rejected the film as “nonsense”. Kloner
investigated the graves thoroughly and deciphered the inscriptions, and
characterises the claims as “a great story for a TV film”, but
says that any evidence is lacking. As early as 1996 Professor Kloner published
his findings in the Israeli journal Atigot: “The names on the graves may be
the same as those of the family of Jesus of
Tomb in Talpiot,
Beit Shemesh
The film was shown on Discovery Channel. This channel draws millions of
viewers in 170 countries and has the reputation of being reliable, scientific
and non-partisan. The fact that scientists, archaeologists, statisticians and
DNA specialists co-operated on the documentary will cause a great many people
to believe that the bones really are those of Jesus. What Cameron and his
companion have presented is nothing more than the so many-th attempt to
undermine Christianity.“And if
Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and
your faith is also empty.” (I
Corinthians15:14) The closer the world comes to the return of Jesus the
more accounts will come denying the existence of a risen Jesus. Before His
return it must be made clear to the world that His death, resurrection and His
return should be regarded as a mere fairy tale. Eventually many Christians will
start to see Jesus as nothing more than one of the many “Teachers of the
World”, in the same league as Buddha,
Five years ago Discovery Channel started to promote the ossuarium (bones
casket) of James, suggesting that it contained James’ bones. In October 2002 an
article in the journal “Biblical Archaeology Review” attracted attention when
the French palaeographer André Lemaire of the
And the “Gospel of Judas” was world news, extensively promoted by the
National Geographic Society, that also financed its
reconstruction and translation and trumpeted the affair round in practically
all the world’s major news publications. National Geographic paid around a
million dollars for the restoration and the rights to publish the text and to
tell the story of its discovery.The newspaper USA Today announced: “Long-lost
gospel of Judas recasts ‘traitor’”.The Gospel of Judas is a 26-page codex
placing Judas in a positive light as the one disciple who really understood
Jesus, and betrayed Him only because he was instructed to do so. The document
was discovered in a sandstone tomb, in the neighbourhood of the Egyptian place
of El-Minya. It is written in Coptic, the language spoken and written by the
so-called ‘Christian’ inhabitants of
Tomb from Jesus’ era in the neighbourhood of
According to Irenaeus (Greek Church Father ca. 135-202 AD) this document
was produced by the Egyptian-Gnostic movement of the Cainites who stated that
Cain, Esau, the Sodomites, Korah, Judas and other suspicious characters in
biblical history were actually all enlightened heroes who bravely kept alive
the Gnosis (1), or the knowledge of the truth.
According to this movement a god named Hystera created the world and another
divinity, named Sophia, who – it is said – assisted the aforementioned people.
Some of those who explained this gospel stated that its discovery would
contribute to a considerable positive re-evaluation of Judas, making it no
longer possible for him to be seen as a traitor. He is alleged to have freed
Jesus from his earthly body by giving Him up for crucifixion so that Jesus
could continue His existence as a spiritual entity. Thus a
ritual murder in the interests of Jesus and His followers. In many respects the only aim ofthe Gospel of
Judas is that of denying the Resurrection and the Return of Jesus.
Jesus is said to have told Judas that the world was created in a way
different from that stated in Genesis and that an ‘evil god’ named Nebro, rules
the lower world of men. Judas is the ‘thirteenth spirit’ appointed to free
Jesus from the physical body in which he was imprisoned. The Gospel of Judas
celebrates Judas rather than Jesus: he goes into a ‘radiant cloud’. The Gnostic
Jesus in this document is not the Almighty God or Creator of the world; He did
not die for the sins of men and did not rise bodily from the dead.
There will be many more attacks, since it is in the interests of God’s
opponents to destroy the belief in Jesus. Satan uses lying miracles and false
evidence to attain his goal. The ‘lord of the strongholds’ uses every weapon in
his armoury to deny the resurrection of Jesus and has at his disposal a
veritable army of lackeys and fools for that purpose. Over the centuries many
attempts have been made but in recent years we have seen an increasing number
of denials of the resurrection of Jesus. Among the elite in the West you are
more credible if you doubt the Bible and the belief in the Living God of Israel
or, better still, if you reject it totally. It is alleged that belief in the
person of Jesus Christ has caused the world to stray. Across the centuries the
resurrection of Jesus has been reasoned to be an impossibility,
as a fairy tale that ended badly for Jesus. But Jesus went bravely to the altar
of sacrifice. His only expectation, as He well knew, was insults and ridicule
by the people, torture and scorn, but also a glorious victory as a closing
event of his mission.“For He will
be delivered to the Gentiles and will be mocked and insulted and spat upon, and
they will scourge Him and
kill Him…” (Luke 18:32-33)
But Man, motivated by Satan, is spiritually blind and deaf and bothers
not at all about God’s Word. People simply do not wish to believe God’s
infallible Word and thus they pour out blasphemies over the world. Whoever
obstinately, deliberately and in full knowledge and will refuses the invitation
of the Gospel – that is the one who hardens his heart.
He ends up by hiding the Lord away to such an extent that the greatest
foolishness appears to him as his personal happiness. He is no longer capable
of denying his foolishness. God selects for Himself a people that, despite all,
continues to believe in Him and does not falter at every attack on belief.“Blessed are you when they revile and
persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice
and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they
persecuted the prophets who were
before you.” (Matthew
Satan’s storm is racing over the earth. This opponent is only too happy
to prevent the Thousand Year Empire of Peace from becoming a fact. But he will
fail, despite his finding all kinds of willing instruments on the battlefield.
These are exciting times for Bible-fast believers who, as never before, will
see the fulfilment of the biblical prophecies and can look forward with hope to
the return of Jesus.
(1) ‘Gnosis’
is a Greek word meaning ‘knowledge’, knowledge that is above ordinary knowledge
or belief that rests on divine inspiration. The Gnosis is a central concept of
religious or philosophical movements from the late ancient world and the early
centuries of Christianity. The basic assumption of the Gnosis is that we can
attain a perfect and absolute form of knowledge, separate from biblical
revelation, whereby we can solve all problems relative to God, Man and the
Nederlandse Larousse Encyclopedie, Vol. 10, p. 617.
Cutting Edge Weekly Newsletter,
23rd February 2007.